How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media to Increase Donations

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Social media is a powerful fundraising tool for nonprofit organizations. Not only is it a way to raise awareness and engage with their donors, it is also a way for them to capitalize on current trends. In 2020, donations to racial and social justice organizations rose by 16%, according to an article in Newsweek. This increase in donations was driven largely by younger donors from Black and Asian households who were on social media.

Navigating the precarious environment of social media platforms can be difficult for organizations without the right social media strategy in place. Here is how nonprofits can use social media to increase donations.

I. Build a community

Social media is a great way for nonprofits to grow their donor base – this growth made possible through preferred social media channels to build an online community of people  interested in similar issues. Enabling organizations to promote awareness and efficiently request donations, this community allows people to share resources, stay informed, and engage with the organizations they support.

Facebook Groups, a great way to build such a community empowers organizations to engage with their donor base, encourage debate and other parts of their social media strategy designed to increase donations – which we will cover below.

II. Share your nonprofit marketing agency impact

Nonprofits should use social media to share their impact. If encouraged by past successes, followers on Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms will be more likely to give to future campaigns. People want to see their charity dollars at work; it is the job of the nonprofit to demonstrate the impact that donor money is having on achieving their mission.

Organizations should leverage social media posts to thank their donors and show them gratitude for all the great work they make possible. PBS does this by saying, “Made possible by viewers like you.” Nonprofits should do something similar.

III. Invest in your content

Nonprofits’ independently running their campaigns can be difficult. These organizations need to ensure that each post follows their brand guidelines and that posts are optimized to reach their intended audience at the right time.

The optimal way to achieve this goal is by investing in your content and partnering with a marketing agency to create a content calendar. A content calendar will ensure that your social media strategy is being implemented across all platforms by scheduling posts ahead of time, at the optimal time. This planning will keep your followers engaged in your mission and encourage them to donate more often.

IV. Encourage action

Contributions to racial and social justice organizations grew by 16% in 2020 because organizations encouraged action. They made it easy for followers on social media to give to campaigns using donate buttons, GoFundMe links, and web funnels.

You can encourage action by creating an advertising campaign on Facebook, Instagram, and online that increases donations from a targeted audience. These campaigns are an excellent investment – if executed properly.

V. Adopt a comprehensive social media strategy

Nonprofits are typically run by a small staff with many responsibilities. It can be difficult for them to keep up with the demands of the organization and execute a proper social media strategy. That is why it’s beneficial for nonprofits to partner with a marketing agency that can handle social media marketing for them and they are nonprofit digital marketing experts.

A comprehensive social media strategy that includes building an audience, sharing impact, creating content and encouraging action is a full-time job. That is why nonprofits should partner with businesses like Black Digital, a full-service marketing agency. We can design and execute your entire social media strategy to help your nonprofit increase awareness and donations via social media.

To learn more, contact Black Digital today.  Let them be your nonprofit digital marketing agency!

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